Holly Tree Kitchen

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Light and fluffy American style pancakes

Light and fluffy American style pancakes with blueberry compote  (gluten free, vegan, low fodmap, nut free and 🍌free for my fellow banana haters)




¾ cup plain white gluten free flour or white spelt flour

1/4 tsp vanilla powder or 1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tbsp cornflour

1 tsp baking powder

1 tbsp maple syrup

1 tsp apple cider vinegar

½ cup unsweetened almond or rice milk

1 tbsp melted coconut oil or veg oil.



Heat a non stick frying pan over a low- medium heat with a little coconut oil. Once melted wipe with a piece of kitchen roll so it's lightly spread over the whole pan. Mix the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Add the wet ingredients and stir until combined, it should be thick batter but still a little runny. If it's too thick and looks dough like, loosen with a little more milk.

Add 1/4 cup of the batter (about 2-3 tbsps) to the pan and cook for about 60 seconds or so. Flip to the other side and cook for another 60 seconds or until cooked through.

Repeat with the remaining batter, stack and serve with lashings of your favourite toppings.


Blueberry compote: add a handful of blueberries to a pan with a dash of water, cover and heat over a medium heat for a few minutes. Remove the lid if the liquid starts to bubble over.

Stir occasionally and reduce until the blueberries are deliciously syrupy. Taste and add maple syrup if required.


These pancakes are really versatile and easy to make your own.

Try switching them up by adding some lemon zest and blueberries to the batter, or orange zest and ginger/cinnamon.